Thursday, March 3, 2011

House Plans With Lofts

Saved by Members doceañista

Article extracted from: and sends our colleague Jose Antonio Rios

The mayors of Cadiz and San Fernando along with parliamentarians and Andalusian other authorities carry out an act of homage at the Monument to the Courts • Part of the public attended
vintage dress
Very punctual and very serious, just before 13:30 pm, deputies yesterday doceañista accessed Monument Las Cortes de la plaza of Spain becoming hollow with the public. They were followed by their wives and people in costume. They were to be honored on the same day that two hundred years ago there was the transfer of General and Extraordinary of the Royal Lion Island to Cadiz. Along with them, around the monument, stood Salinera Guard, Distinguished Volunteer Regiment of Cadiz, the Artillery Volunteers Outside the Walls Unit of the National Militia, the music unit of the Distinguished Volunteer Regiment, the current municipal corporations Cadiz and San Fernando, congressmen, senators, parliamentarians and other autonomous authorities. Among the public who wished to join the tribute, there was a group dressed in period. The first to speak was the mayor of San Fernando, Manuel Maria De Bernardo, who toured the decrees approved in the five-month stay of the courts in San Fernando. Bernard went to the deputies to tell them doceañista homage because "they gave themselves the best of Spain and for freedom, they wanted above any ideological difference and of any interest. And at a critical time, worked for general interest and common good. " Stated that "we maintain with pride the living memory of your contribution to freedom, modern Spain and Americanism." He also wanted to "pay emotional tribute "to the men and women from across the Bay," helped to make possible the dreams of freedom and independence through hard work, hardship and sacrifice. "San Fernando Mayor called the Bicentennial as a tool and an opportunity for the progress of our cities and to expand and deepen the ties that bind us and the possibilities of future projection. "Meanwhile, Gabriel Almagro, government delegate of the Board and CEO of Cadiz Consortium II Memorial Centenary of the Constitution of 1812, referred to Cadiz nineteenth century, the city took over from San Fernando in the discussions on the new constitution be enacted and where A year later La Pepa. He said that "a constitution as groundbreaking and avant-garde could not have been adopted elsewhere." I congratulate the mayor of Cadiz and the Mayor of San Fernando for their union to hold together a common achievement of both municipalities, "the construction of modern society that we enjoy today thanks to the stamp printed its citizens." The last speaker was the Mayor of Cadiz, Teófila Martinez, who spoke of the two venues that hosted the meetings of the Courts: Comedy Theatre of San Fernando, now Teatro Real de Las Cortes, and the Oratory of San Felipe de Cádiz . "Well we can consider the continuous territory Island and Cadiz, the former island of Cadiz, as the site of the freedom of the English. The island fortress invincible Cadiz, open port city of freedom, "he said. And he referred to members as" those men came from every corner of the old English Empire to defend the dignity of the nation and establish freedom. The result of his work still thrills and surprises us. And so, we are determined to celebrate as he deserves the historic feat, the political fact, the memory of Spain. "He noted that 1810 was the year of the Isla de León, which affirms the sovereignty of the nation, and 1811 and 1812 The years of Cadiz, years of our first Constitution. "It was these three years that contributed to the patriotism and constitutional value or want to be fair and beneficial to each other as better understanding of coexistence in freedom." She closed by inviting the audience to shout "Long live the Constitution! Long live the King! Viva Spain!" Then Manuel María Martínez Teófila De Bernardo and laid a wreath of laurel with the coat of both municipalities to the stone which commemorates the deputies. The event ended with a volley of gunfire by Salinera Guard and a parade of troops at the time.


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