Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The Twelve comes on stage

Article extracted from: and sends our colleague Jose Antonio Rios

José Luis Alonso de Santos, one of the most acclaimed playwrights national scene, culminating in the work that makes heroes the custodians of the bicentenary of the Oratory in which forged La Pepa

The Twelve already has his play. The firm is one of the most renowned playwrights of the national scene: José Luis Alonso de Santos, author of and get off the Moor Award national theater. The result is not travel two hundred years and puts doceañista in the lead roles, but the common people. In fact, entitled Custodians of San Felipe and almost 50 characters parade through the background for this story that avoids grand gestures and grand words to focus on small gestures and small words. Has the author: "My friend Juan Gomez, a historian at El Puerto de Santa Maria, I got behind a track of the focus of this work to talk about shootings that occurred days before the swearing and proclamation of the Constitution of 1812. What is unique and amazing this is that the French had shot at several officers of constitutional courts in what is now known as La Puntilla beach in the Netherlands in the west of the Port, next to the Guadalete desembocuadura. How could they take them prisoners in Cadiz, and why? What reason is there to take them to the beach so far from the city to shoot there? The issue has me cruising around in archives and documentation on the subject. I could find helped me create the backbone of this work. I had to cover some unknown historical facts inferred. If the information given is true or not, judge and opine each viewer, or reader, as it deems appropriate. That is their right. "On this plot, it builds the story, in which Alonso de los Santos has enjoyed the cooperation of Oblivion Productions. The Porto Enrique Miranda, head of Oblivion Productions and the top promoter of this project, says that "we have all this time trying to find the most suitable proposal to this momentous event in our history, also taking into account the importance of this event for me . Even at the Port, the years of my college days were spent in Cadiz and understand the relevance of the city a commitment of this magnitude. Just my first mission was to convince Alonso de Santos to write this book, something unprecedented and very focused from the start through the idiosyncrasies of Cadiz. Before this point, we have reviewed work Casaux Pérez, Pérez Galdós, Ramón Solís ... texts we have studied the topic of Twelve, as Viva la Pepa , The Fernando ... Or even text led by Alonso de Santos in times of dictatorship, marked with the seal of the Ministry of Information and Tourism overcoming censorship, if Customs Las Hermosas. This text is the result of a thorough study to find a tragicomic heartwarming story of pride, temper, war and resistance to the French. "Alonso de Santos Both Miranda and his team have turned to be a timely work that could be emblematic of the celebration. "Now begins the process of production and, in these times, work to find money to pull it off. But we have much progress because the raw material is here." Miranda defined as the work: " Concierges San Felipe is a show that, far from noting dates and facts, leads us into the soul of a country, the feelings of the rulers, soldiers, from wealthy and humble , Fernandinos and liberal deputies of the class struggle on a small island besieged by the world's most powerful army. is a work that focuses on the internal history of the time in the life of the people, the impression of feeling, indifference, the need to take sides. The characters enter the scene days before the swearing in of the Constitution, oblivious to the importance it will have on this country's history of contemporary Europe and the enactment of the first liberal constitution, the Constitution of Cadiz in 1812. The work starts the ushers of the Oratory of San Felipe Neri planning a stunt with the copy of the Constitution of the way. The plot development is a positive charge, fun and festive, Southern comedy at its best with the development of it will taste bitter almond viewers of life, with a final table is summarized in Title: blood in the Constitution. "It's the symbolism of the story of the English people, always worked, too punished, but faithful and able to die rather than lose their identity. A wonderful invention with a shocking end to the Constitution as a trigger." Because the work, say its leaders, does not seek a timely and local groups, but a dimension that allows you to place on the national scene as a theatrical reference Twelve. And the characters that parade through the Oratorio, fraught with subtle humor and purity, they deserve it.


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