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Street history after Luis Blanco, the first vaccination in Venezuela (1804)

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Smallpox is a rash illness, infectious, contagious and epidemic, with thousands of victims in the world, reached the New World in 1518 to the English island (Haiti and Santo Domingo) by black Africans as slaves, brought in a Portuguese ship. In 1520 the disease wreaked havoc in Mexico and New Granada in 1558 decimated 30% of the population. The smallpox vaccine, the first vaccine in the History of Humanity, was discovered by in 1796 by English country doctor Edward Jenner (1749-1823), based on studies in the field, drawing from the udders of cows a pustule or scab, useful to form a virus that prevents smallpox, hence the name of the vaccine. The first test was made with the child John James Philips, with such success that soon came to be vaccinated a hundred thousand children in England. The English King Carlos IV had lost a child because of smallpox; concerned about the children of English America and the Philippines, knowing that the vaccine had arrived in Spain in 1800, issued an edict on September 1, 1803 announcing the subjects the reason for the Real Issue, to this end he ordered his doctor Francisco Javier natural Balmis Alicante (1753-1812), organizing the medical mission, the first large-scale developed in English America, which left La Coruña in the military ship "Maria Pita" on September 30, 1803, the Real Issue of integrated Humanitarian ten doctors and twenty children aged four to twelve years of Hospice Santiago de Compostela A Coruña accompanied by Isabel López Gondalla director of the institute. Whereas the time there were no means of preservation, children would serve as carriers in his arms which were holding a small incision with a lancet (knife), placing the virus healer, the method used was made from arm to arm every ten days to keep the virus active. The purpose of the health issue was: to vaccinate the largest child population, teaching local doctors the art smallpox vaccination arrange meetings and maintain the serum for further immunizations. They brought hundreds of copies of the book "Historical and Practical Treaty of Vaccine" James Louis Moreau de la Sarthe (1771-1826), on immunizations and about two thousand pairs of glasses. These selfless heroes and forgotten benefactors of humanity, including children, endured inclement weather, the grueling journeys by sea and land, the tropical climate strenuous, strong currents of water, through plains and mountains to provide the vaccine to almost one million people. The first leg was held in Tenerife (Canary Islands), where hundreds of children vaccinated, landed in Puerto Rico in February 1804 with the same health mission. Arriving at Puerto Cabello expedition divided into two groups, Dr. Balmis with several doctors and children went to Cuba, went to Mexico having to cross the territory to reach the Pacific Ocean to embark for the Philippines, while Dr. José Natural Salvany Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain (1777-1810), is responsible for vaccine starting in Venezuela Caracas, Margarita then, Cumana and Maracaibo, continue to Cartagena, Bogota, Quito, Chile, Peru and Upper Peru (Bolivia). Luis Blanco child born June 25, 1802, was the first vaccinated in Venezuela in 1804, from a distinguished family of case studies could, he earned a doctorate conferred by the Royal and Pontifical University of Venezuela, where he remained for several teaching exercise years. In an irreproachable conduct of upright, refined and impeccable public servant for forty-two years. Was Judge of Arts in Valencia, Judge of First Instance in Ocumare del Tuy, Minister of Superior Courts in Caracas, a city where he died in November 1874. During the vaccination process, according to the register prepared for this purpose in Caracas received vaccine for April 24, 1804 the amount of two thousand children and twenty-five children in the province of Venezuela received doses between 1804 and 1808. Dr. Felipe Tamariz Caracas (1759-1814) supported the work of Dr. Salvany and even organized the commission vaccinator. Andrés Bello (1781-1865), remember that great day dedicating the "Ode to the vaccine." The wise Venezuelan José María Vargas (1786-1853), described the inoculation procedure sui work "Epitome of the vaccine." Dr. Balmis returned to Spain on August 10, 1808, Dr. Joseph Salvany died in Cochabamba, Bolivia in 1810, thirty-three years old, fulfilling the noble mission. The World Health Organization said on May 8, 1980 the eradication of smallpox, a breakthrough in public health. Humanity will always be grateful for the initiative and selfless efforts of medical professionals and children, real heroes of life anonymous saviors.


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