Friday, February 18, 2011

Can You Join Army With Hearing Aids

popular uprising by the people of Cuba 21 to February 26

On 26 February the Madrid
Cubans gathered in front of the Embassy of
the Castro dictatorship in Spain's capital.

February 23 I
commemorate the anniversary of the death on hunger strike
of Cuban dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo.

February 24 marks the fifteenth anniversary of
murder of four Brothers to the Rescue "by the Cuban air force under the command of General
and his brother Raul Castro the dictator Fidel Castro.

These days the world is rising against the dictatorships and totalitarian regimes
unpunished in the XXI century and
Cuba will not be less!

Top Cuban! Come and fight for your rights. For freedom, human rights
and democracy in Cuba!

If you want to put in fire, cover your face ... But come!

- This concentration will be coordinated by a representative of the last former political
Cuban exiles in Spain, Platform in collaboration with the Cuba Democracy Now!.


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