Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brouillette Died January 2010

The terrorist organization continues to act against Latinos in the U.S. and the press ignores communist

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creepy in a sample of their hatred toward Latinos, Shawna Forde and two colleagues Minutemen paramilitary group dedicated to fighting illegal immigration, illegally entered the house of the Flores family in Arizona and killed cold-blooded father, Raul Flores, and his daughter, Brisenia, 9 .

On Monday afternoon, nearly two years after the event, told a jury Forde guilty of double murder, and it is expected that the judge set his sentencing on Thursday. His two companions will stand trial in the coming weeks.

The details of the bloody night of May 9 of 2009 are staggering. Forde and the other two paramilitaries came to the home of the Flores family after midnight posing as policemen. In theory, its aim was to gain an alleged drug stash worth a million dollars. The drug was never found at home of the Latino family, and three paramilitary shot in cold blood against marriage when Raul Flores began to doubt the veracity of their identity.

however, could not end the life of the mother, Gina Gonzales, who managed to fool them by pretending to be dead. As he lay on the floor, heard the murderers Brisenia the small canyon. "Please do not shoot me" , pleaded the girl. It did not help its appeal, Frode and his accomplices then fired two shots in the head at close range, killing him instantly. It was the mother, Gina, who called 911 when the paramilitaries left the house.

addition to first-degree murder, Forde was also convicted of attempted murder attempt , illegally entering a property, assault and aggravated robbery. His two accomplices, Albert Gaxiola and Jason Robert Eugene Bush is awaiting the start of his trial, which has not yet set a definite date.

an event ignored by the press

At the time the murders were not reported as "hate crimes", but Latin associations consider that the motivation was clearly racial hatred. Although the Minutemen says his goal is to combat illegal immigrants, why the border patrol of illegal hunting, the Flores family had U.S. citizenship and was born in the U.S. Briselē.

media and American politicians almost completely ignored the event, which took place during the debate preceding the approval of the controversial Arizona SB1070 that makes in a state crime be an undocumented immigrant. However, some Latino groups as have attracted more media attention during the trial of Forde.

"What we have shown is that Latinos are looking that if people and the parties want the Latino vote will have to speak out against things like this," said Joaquín Guerra, director to Huffington Post website. "We expect the death [of Briselē] is not in vain, and to provide an example of what happens when such conditions exist in Arizona are allowed to pass."


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