Monday, March 23, 2009

Firex Smoke Alarm Always Beeps


I designed these characters for a special report last week, the note discusses the differences between "
Geeks" and " Nerds "and distinguish them. I decided to use bright colors and warm for the design of both, although the idea of \u200b\u200bthe site published Nerd is like a shadow of Geek. I much fun sketching and playing with their proportions generally base their design of curved and rounded, giving some perspective in parts. And I tried to give them a bit of humor and personality, through of the costumes, objects, postures and gestures.
Many Greetings friends and colleagues! Daniel

------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Designed
I --------------------- These special characters for a newspaper article last week, the note Speaks of the Differences between "Geeks" and "Nerds" and Distinguishing Them. I Decide to use very live and warm colors for the design of both, although in the idea of the published page the Nerd is like a shade of the Geek. I had lot of fun sketching them and playing with its proportions, generally i based their design on the curved and round forms, giving them a little perspective in some parts. I tried to give them with a little humor and personality, through the outfits, objects, postures and gestures.

Cheers! Friends and colleagues!



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