Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How Do You Stop Milk From Coming In

, white and black / Health, black and white.



These are some characters I did for a picture of health and thyroid problems, was published last week in the newspaper Noroeste. Again, the assignment had to be in black and white, the designer offered me the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance and I found attractive, using extreme characters Laurel and Hardy wanted to give a humorous touch to the characters to help break the monotony out of conventionality with which it is customary to handle such issues. Eh
seen very good posts and great work of colleagues here in Mexico and elsewhere. I look forward to meeting new talent and to share my work. thanks for stopping by! Greetings! Daniel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are two characters I made for an illustration of health and the thyroid problems, published last week by the newspaper Noroeste. Again the commissioned art had to be in black and white, the designer offered the idea of the weighing machine and i thought it was good, employing the extreme characters the fat and the skinny one I wanted to give a humoristic touch to them to help to break the monotony and conventionality that this type of subjects usually get handle. I've been seeing a lot good blogs and brilliant works from colleagues here in Mexico and other parts of the world. I hope to continue meeting new talents and sharing my work. Thanks for dropping by! Cheers! Daniel


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