Saturday, January 24, 2009

Zankou Chicken Chicken Tarna Calories

Bipolarity! / Bipolarity! Health


This is an illustration that was published today in the magazine "Healthy Life". The note talks about people who are bipolar, so we decided to make a kind of double face or changing table, play with the idea of \u200b\u200bsudden extreme changes in mood and express through gestures. Long time no working with prismacolor and this case I think it lent itself well to use them as both the stroke and type of color I think that helped spread the distortion and intensity characteristic of bipolarity.


------------------------------------------- Daniel
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- This is an illustration published today That Appeared in the magazine "Healthy Life" (Healthful Life.) The note Speaks of the people Who are bipolar, so we Decided to make a species of double slide or Changing Face, to play with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe spirit of sudden extreme changes file and to express Them Through the gestures. Veen Its a long time Have not adjuntos to work with the prismacolor, and this case I Believe That It Was lent well to use Them becouse of the particular type of outline and colorful, I Believe That They Help to transmit the own distortion and intensity of the bipolarity.
Cheers! Daniel

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How Do You Stop Milk From Coming In

, white and black / Health, black and white.



These are some characters I did for a picture of health and thyroid problems, was published last week in the newspaper Noroeste. Again, the assignment had to be in black and white, the designer offered me the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance and I found attractive, using extreme characters Laurel and Hardy wanted to give a humorous touch to the characters to help break the monotony out of conventionality with which it is customary to handle such issues. Eh
seen very good posts and great work of colleagues here in Mexico and elsewhere. I look forward to meeting new talent and to share my work. thanks for stopping by! Greetings! Daniel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are two characters I made for an illustration of health and the thyroid problems, published last week by the newspaper Noroeste. Again the commissioned art had to be in black and white, the designer offered the idea of the weighing machine and i thought it was good, employing the extreme characters the fat and the skinny one I wanted to give a humoristic touch to them to help to break the monotony and conventionality that this type of subjects usually get handle. I've been seeing a lot good blogs and brilliant works from colleagues here in Mexico and other parts of the world. I hope to continue meeting new talents and sharing my work. Thanks for dropping by! Cheers! Daniel

Monday, January 5, 2009

Earring Converter For Dangles

Money Running / Running for money

This little illustration was published a couple of weeks ago, I did for an article that talks about some financial support given to sport here Mazatlan despite the good level and interest that athletes show. The idea was to put the character trying to achieve the goal to accomplish the exchange, or money, and stop the hands that represent the lack of support they are prevented from reaching their goal. I tried to give a lot of movement to composition and dynamism to the scene to help better communicate the despair and frustration felt by these athletes to the lack of support.

and I hope you like it, Greetings!
and Happy New Year 2009! Daniel

----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
------------------------- This small illustration
Went published a couple of weeks to go, I did it for a sports article That Speaks little about the Economic Support That Have the athletes here in Mazatlan in Spite of the good level and Interest That They Have They show In Some sports. The idea WAS to put the athlete character tryin to Reach the goal to Obtain the coins, or money, and the hands That Are sopping him repre That Lack of support to Achieve Them That Prevents That goal. I triyed to make a dynamic composition and add Some movment to the scene, so it CAN Helps to comunicate the desperation and frustration These Athletes That Have becouse of the Lack of suport.

Hope and like it, Cheers!
and Happy New Year 2009! Daniel