Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hearing Loss Post Ear Infection


Urban Myths Comic Magazine Comic and movement MU Illustrators invites all who wish to participate in the second issue, concerning the second character: Dr. Knoche

Comic MU exposes Rumbea, travels around Venezuela and world revealed, designs, pricked with djs and pulls out his journal .. so move!

This is a project initiated in 2005 with the publication of the first edition Machera that seeks to create a movement toward developing the culture of comics such activities as exhibitions, workshops, lectures and Cycle Cycle Film and Video. He has participated in museums like the Modern Art Merida, CELARG in Caracas and places of nightlife, as the patio with the participation of DJs and VJs as well as the street.
We support emerging artists, illustrators and providing a platform to publicize their work and generate disclosure of national comics and illustration.
Today was the platform to participate in the 1st Latin American cartoon room to grow in October in the City of Amadora, Portugal and the work of illustrators and national comiqueros be recognized internationally, Machera present in Amadora.

If you want to be part of this emerging movement involved and part of the project is now international in collaboration with illustrators Peru, Bolivia and Argentina to this issue.

To learn more about Knoche, project, or how to participate! .. Just runs the blog and find out ... or write to Knoche


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