Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hearing Loss Post Ear Infection


Urban Myths Comic Magazine Comic and movement MU Illustrators invites all who wish to participate in the second issue, concerning the second character: Dr. Knoche

Comic MU exposes Rumbea, travels around Venezuela and world revealed, designs, pricked with djs and pulls out his journal .. so move!

This is a project initiated in 2005 with the publication of the first edition Machera that seeks to create a movement toward developing the culture of comics such activities as exhibitions, workshops, lectures and Cycle Cycle Film and Video. He has participated in museums like the Modern Art Merida, CELARG in Caracas and places of nightlife, as the patio with the participation of DJs and VJs as well as the street.
We support emerging artists, illustrators and providing a platform to publicize their work and generate disclosure of national comics and illustration.
Today was the platform to participate in the 1st Latin American cartoon room to grow in October in the City of Amadora, Portugal and the work of illustrators and national comiqueros be recognized internationally, Machera present in Amadora.

If you want to be part of this emerging movement involved and part of the project is now international in collaboration with illustrators Peru, Bolivia and Argentina to this issue.

To learn more about Knoche, project, or how to participate! .. Just runs the blog and find out ... or write to Knoche

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Swimming Pool Can Be Filled Word Problem

Present at Banda Amadora Desenho 2006

Melissa Gatto

Organizing 1st Latin American Cartoon Hall has invitadoa involving Venezuela and Urban Myths Comic has provided the assistance needed to carry digital originals and our history of national comic.

Despite the short time we were to make the compilation of the material, because they did not think include Venezuela in the living room, Carolina Rodriguez, editor of Urban Myths Comic managed to involve several of the 80 national comicqueros as Marcelo Avila, Teddy Thomas, Sandro Bassi and a quantity of more than 80 digital between the 80 works, 90 to today and a number of publications such as clips 80, Comic Caracas, Venezuela in Comics, Machera Zuplemento and others. The comic transcends national borders and growing to strengthen ties and develop our Latin American network, as well as the Exhibition of the hall dedicated Cartoon emerged in our context, will lecture on the history of comics from its origins until today, trying cover something that seems not very developed, but latent and sometimes underground.

Our Friend "Chiqui" Vilca, the Comicteca of Peru has been a great partnership in this network and he appreciate all the support! ... Continue generating, creating, proposing and doing! .. They follow the motion comic in Venezuela and Latin America.

View page:

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Japanese Model Bmi Average

M acher BSO / OST

Machera Download the album free! AGUADECHORRO RECORDS ... in collaboration with
written, mixed and produced by 3uho

01 - do not fear anyone
02 - The Vegas
03 - Metamorphosis 04
- Miracles and their prices
05 - I'll pit pal
06 - Recently Deceased (busetero mix)
07 - I'm pussy pal

<<<>>> 3uho /

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Barska 25-75x75 Spotting Scope Review


Illustrators of the first edition of Urban Myths Comic
Rafael Marquina (El rafa) Leo, Juan and Rafa

The rafa
Juan Salas, Chorus
Artruro Marquina
The rafa
Leonardo Gonzalez (Leo)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Message Looks Like Spam, 554

Other Spaces: Machera in the Patio and DJ's move

Teaching in nearby places, conventional. Bar, Restaurants, gallery El Patio, a space for DJs, jazz, funk, chill, hip and what comes ... Machera has wreaked havoc ... and if you do not believe ask Ricardo ... broken glass .
This exhibition was opened parallel to the proposed CELARG space, cultural institution in Caracas ... Here we have sold works, magazines and extended three weeks to close with a flourish ... Dj OWL seems to be going poke ... finally!. Here Dj
Hernia, is mounted with thirteen men and some babalao Tiuna ... MOradex sessions, the other dj, hip hop and salsa pa gozar! ... owner Ricardo flying legend ..

Creating a move, Machera and Urban Myths Comic, are creating opportunities and giving that talk.
Look for it in Bello Monte, rising from the town hall of the yellow block Baruta .. ...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Quotes That Disagree With Gay Marriage

Receiver-Transmitter: Urban Myths Comic

Urban Myths Comic raises two main key ideas:

The first refers to the study of characters that have been classified as urban myths in contemporary urban society, contributing to the study of this imagery and stories emerged in the cities.

The second raises the potential return of the Comic as a genre figure of great strength and expressive communication, and is established as a pilot project that brings together illustrators, artists, writers and researchers emerging in terms of generating a cultural product result of these oral histories and myths of urban societies live.

Speeches communities have made about certain characters that exist or existed in a certain historical moment, the reconstruction of collective myth, the rescue of a collective memory unlike any known history, ordinary people, distinguished from others by a specific trait are some of the archetypes in which the project Comic Urban myths are concerned, has started and wants to continue developing through graphic or comic book history.

The genre of comics or graphic history accessible to a younger audience not accustomed to reading and oral traditions, in the edition of our project, we propose as a teaching tool, expressive, experimental and research and seeks to address alternative areas in both research and artistic projection in an effort to involve both emerging artists and a population not directly linked to the artistic and connected from the field work and research.

Cebu Modeling Agencies

Today , Saturday 15, Comic, hipjoperos, tagseros, breakdance and coremakers

> Home: 11am
> party unity is strength ...!
the deeper underground >
> paranoid You walk in the street?
> You complain of police and lacreo?
> other party is possible!
> PRO_session 1.0:
> Travel: Plz. Altamira to Bolivar Plz
> Meeting: Altamira plz
> * 1st stop: plz La Castellana (capoeira)
> * 2nd stop: plz Bolívar de Chacao (Contemporary Dance)
> * 3rd stop : plz Chacaito Brion (breakdance)
> * 4th PRDA: plz Delights
> * the 5th plz Venezuela
> * the 6th IUDANZA (Jaming Dance)
> * 7TA plz of Museums (Cirko)
> * 8mA Candelaria (acrobatics on skateboards and bicycles)
> * 9va Bolivar (music, video, photo)
> every move to take hold one stop
> exit the room, salt building, move in the corner and get up and
> anda ...

This is and Urban Myths Comic goes out there on the move.
These are some of the postal
that were published on the first pitch of Urban Myths: Machera ...

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Coconut Oil Apple Cider Vinegar

Over the next character Machera

Gottfried Knoche was born in 1813 in Halbers Tadten, Germany a. In 1837 s and graduated as a surgeon at the University of Freiburg. In 1840 arrived in La Guaira on the invitation of the large German colony resident in the Central Coast. Once seated, bring your wife. Practicing as a doctor in the city and earns a reputation for charity, to serve poor patients at no charge. In 1845 he received the renewal of its title, by the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Co-founder of San Juan de Dios Hospital during the government of General Juan Crisostomo Falcon. Knoche was also appointed director of the hospital of La Guaira between 1854 and 1856 and, along with other doctors, combating the cholera epidemic that ravaged the region during those years.
"Nature Lover, during his early days in La Guaira Dr. Knoche used to make long excursions on horseback into the mountains of Galipán. Fascinating perspective offered by the Coast from the top of the peak, and its cool climate due to carry on strong attraction. Perhaps that was how was your idea of \u200b\u200bgetting a hold in the vicinity. Not far from small farms existed since colonial times for the cultivation of coffee and fruit. Knoche focused its attention on a preferential basis and bought a low price, in order to pass it on weekends. Later, with the pretext that his wife did not pay the heat of La Guaira, moved permanently to such a picturesque place (...) He had a daughter named Anna (1840-1879) who married Heinrich Müller ( 1812-1881), and a son later that year came from Germany. Doctor like his father, moved to Puerto Cabello. No further details are known of their fate. "

"He then ordered to build a house like the Black Forest, which has a great room or hall, lined with wood, with its fireplace and grandstand from rustic to entry. Almost all the material was transported from La Guaira on the backs of mules. The rooms were equipped with large windows overlooking the sea. People who had the luck or the privilege of knowing that possession in the late nineteenth century {}, praised the good taste with which he was decorated. (...) Rooswaag Eduardo, who was visiting Buena Vista in the middle of the year 1925 with a group of hikers, we had an interesting description of the beautiful plantings around the house, orange blossom, grapefruit, avocados, tamarind and cattleyas variety in the greenhouse, roses and carnations. (...) To the rear was Dr. Knoche his laboratory for experimentation, well ventilated and spacious. "
«(...) worked on it extensively in the preparation of a liquid of their own invention to be injected into the bodies and preserve them from decay, without removing the viscera. It is said that your character could be removed during the night so as not to alarm the neighborhood, some bodies in the morgue of the San Juan de Dios hospital and was on the backs of mules up the hill with a confidential servant, to be subjected to prosecution " .
«(...) The liquid was injected into the jugular of the deceased and to go through the circulatory tract drying or dehydrating the body, getting the perpetuation of the body after of life. "
"The charm and persistence to prevent the inexorable process of decomposition of the bodies created around Knoche a legend and a fictional territory adjacent to the mansion lived Bella Vista: the mausoleum (...)».

Moreno, Gabriela: Mummies Dr. Knoche Creole. Every magazine on Sunday. 2 (60), pp. 46-48. (Nov. 2000)

Schael, Guillermo José: Caracas from century to century, pp. 158-165, Graphic Art, Caracas, 1967.
Schael, Guillermo J., "Compass" From Dr. Knoche Welser, newspaper El Universal, Caracas, March 1971

Monday, June 26, 2006

Male Brazilian Wax Gallery

U nfinish and Ongoing work ...... little animation project done for the Machera exhibition in Caracas, Venezuela April 2006. Now and Then I'll ad more to this animation video.
music by DJ's Owl. More info on this project here and here

Working completion. Was presented as visual exposure and other activities of Urban Myths Comic Traveling CELARG made in Caracas, during April and May 2006.
Just the concept was a series of videos on Machera placed randomly going to the beat with the music of DJ's Owl, who composed pieces especially for the project.


Ongoing current project: Kanocha

This year the second edition of the project comes with another character, a sort of Frankenstein Venezuelan, German-born Dr. .. KANOCHE.Personaje is known in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe country around which myths have been created that are still waking up curiosity in young adults, researchers, doctors, natives of the area and anything else that you can pass through the mind ... potential for Urban Myths Comic! ...