Thursday, May 28, 2009

Car Parts Names Inside

Super Sports! Rain

ascended Long time no nothing, eh gone working on many assignments that soon post them here. This is an illustration I did for a sports special report was published today in the newspaper Noroeste. From the beginning the idea was to give a kind look cover of comic book superheroes "in the design of the characters as typographic treatment of the title, giving depth and perspective to everything, but mostly a lot of movement and dynamism to the" super athletes ", so I preferred to hand inked para ayudar a darle mas fluidez al trazo, y posteriormente los colorie en Psd. y finalmente añadí el fondo en Ilustrador.



Its been a long time since i haven't posted anything, ive been working on so many stuff i will post later. This is an illustration I did for a special sports news article published today in the newspaper "Noroeste". From the beginning the idea was to give the art a look kind of superheroes comic strips, from the design of the characters as in The Treatment of the titles, to Give the sensation of depthness and perspective to everything, But Mainly Movement and Dynamism much to the "super super sportsmans and sportswomans", so I Decided to ink Theme by hand directly to the paper to help me catch more Fluidity in the traces, Them Then I painted on PSD, and finally added Some background effects in Illustrator.

Cheers! Daniel