Monday, April 27, 2009

Use Mce Remote With Pavilion

characters! Geeks & Nerds


This work was published a couple of days, I did it to illustrate an article about the triathlon sport that takes place every year here Mazatlan. Unlike many other works from one day to another regularly assigned me, this case if I took more time both at work and at home. We had to do much sketching and planning, from the composition of the page outline, the design of each character separately, until the final drawing and vector editing color post. Also, on the other hand had to be conceptually define very clearly what it wanted to communicate with the editor and graphic designer.
This case in particular was very attractive by the time he could spend, and all the space I had at the site, and it was part of many characters, that it helped mas divertido.

Muchos saludos amigos y colegas!


This work went published a couple of days a go, I made it to illustrate a sport article about triathlon that takes place every year here in Mazatlán. Unlike many other works that the editors regularly assign to me, to deliver from one day to the next , this one toked me a lot of extra time in the work as in house. It was necessary to make much sketching and planning, from the composition of the page in broad strokes, the design of each character separately, to drawn up final in vectors and the edition of color.
Also, on the other hand it was necessary to define conceptually in a very clear way how to communicate what the note speaks a bout, along with the graphic design editor and designer.
This case in particular was very attractive becouse all the time and all the space that I had in the page, and also for the involving the design of so many characters in the composition. It was hard but very fun to work .

Cheers! friends and colleagues!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How To Help Legs That Are Sore Everywhere
