Monday, February 9, 2009

Basal Cell Temperature And Thyroid Problems

The Holy Light!

(Wallpaper Version)

This illustration originally had begun to do for the event "The saint is my devotion," but due to time and planning issues in the process I decided it a poster for the series of my page . So soon, this and other posters will be available in limited edition graaande size.
"Light of the Holy" is the title of this work and the technique I used was ink in all strokes and colors in PSD. I lot of sketching to achieve this result, and much design for the stage and composition. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this work because, unlike my other works, this was more free, I had more time to plan better the colors, lights and shades, as well as the composition. It had been a while since I had the luxury of making an illustration that took me several days. It's the best, power, review the work and sketch and sketch again, of course, when you can devote the time you want, but also good daily challenge against the clock.


------------------------------------------ Daniel
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I originally did this illustration, in the beginnin for for the event of "Holy is my devotion" But due to questions of time and planning, in the process I Decided to make it poster for the series of my homepage: http : / / . So soon, this one and others posters will be on sale in their limited edition, full size. " The light of the Santo" it is the title of this work and the technique that I used was Chinese ink in all the outlines and colorful in Psd. I made a lot of sketching to finally get this result, and much design for the scene and composition. I had a lot of fun making this poster becouse, unlike my other works, this was more free and personal, and I had more time to plan better the colours, the lights and shades, as well as the composition. It had been a while since i didnt make an illustration that took me several days. I think that is the best thing, to be able, to review the work and to sketch and re sketch again, of course, when you have the time to do it.

Cheers! Daniel

Friday, February 6, 2009

Creative Ceramic Vessel Ideas



Illustration for Sports / Sports illustration. Daniel