Friday, December 19, 2008

Vegetarian Clogged Colon

Green Goblin! Brokers

This Christmas here are some illustrations that went published yesterday in newspaper supplements Northwest (Sinaloa). It was a bit hard this time because I had very little time to do the job, and if I was a bit ambitious scheme, besides that was the central pages and illustration for cover as well. But the idea that I proposed to the designer it caught my attention, especially the tone of humor and good use of resources to solve illustrative work. I wanted to work this assignment with this style of delivery and the cake using flat colors, do something very colorful from the start. The report talks about tourist spots and sites of interest to spend Christmas in the town and Santa, reindeer and elves are planning to visit. I did much sketching for character design, but I would have liked tener mas tiempo para editar mejor el color, pero bueno, creo que dio buen resultado.



Green Elfs!

This these are some Christmas illustrations that went published yesterday by Noroeste Newspaper. This time it was a little hard becouse I had very just a short time to carry out the work, and the orginal sketches were a little ambitious, includding the central pages and illustration for cover also. But the idea that to me the designer propose called so much my attention, mainly becouse of the tone of humor and the good use of the illustrative resource to solve the work. I wanted to work this illustration with this style in vectors and forms of flat colors, to make something (from the beginning) very colorful. The news article speaks of tourist points and sites of interest where to spend Christmas in the locality, and Santa, the reindeer and genies glide to visit. I made a lot of sketching for the characters desing, but I would have liked to have a little more time to work with the color, but I believe that the result was good.



Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Catchphrase For Oxycontin


Que tal camaradas!, aqui les share some of my most recent editorial publications. I made this illustration for a special report about a town's annual marathon. On this occasion the designer in charge proposed to tackle the issue from the perspective of the athlete, and for this I requested the development of various characters corridors, which help to illustrate the various stages of physical and psychological (eforia, suffering, joy, etc.) through the athlete throughout the marathon. This case also includes the design of a course map and more technical things so I took a little longer than usual. The strokes are made with pentel brush and color is in Psd to execpt the map, which I work in Illustrator.

and I hope you like it.

Atte: Daniel

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Whats up folks, here i share with you some of my Most Recent editorial publications.
I made this illustration for a special article about an annual newsweek Marathon here in the locality (Mazatlan, Mex.). In this assignment the designer Proposed an approach to the subject from the point of view of the athlete, so I Asked me for the Development to me of several running characters, who helped to illustrate the different physical and psychological stages (eforia, suffering, joy etc) that the athlete passes throughout all the Marathon. This case also include the design of a map of the route and technical things, so it toked me a little more time from the usual. The trace lines where made with pentel brush and colored in Psd, execpt the map, which i worked in Ilustrator.

Hope you like it.
