Monday, June 26, 2006

Male Brazilian Wax Gallery

U nfinish and Ongoing work ...... little animation project done for the Machera exhibition in Caracas, Venezuela April 2006. Now and Then I'll ad more to this animation video.
music by DJ's Owl. More info on this project here and here

Working completion. Was presented as visual exposure and other activities of Urban Myths Comic Traveling CELARG made in Caracas, during April and May 2006.
Just the concept was a series of videos on Machera placed randomly going to the beat with the music of DJ's Owl, who composed pieces especially for the project.


Ongoing current project: Kanocha

This year the second edition of the project comes with another character, a sort of Frankenstein Venezuelan, German-born Dr. .. KANOCHE.Personaje is known in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe country around which myths have been created that are still waking up curiosity in young adults, researchers, doctors, natives of the area and anything else that you can pass through the mind ... potential for Urban Myths Comic! ...

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people: many of those involved

Some of the people who participated in the first edition and continues through Machera joining traveling. The group Urban Myths Comic : Caro, Rafa, Leo, Arthur, Daya, and John ... to continue joining more gente.El Dj is Owl, the hand is paty, and Mrs. center Machera's mom gave us part of the votive offerings and gave us information about luis Machera or his son the character of the first edition .. is just a small sample.