Friday, May 19, 2006

Stop Bloating After Eating Salads

the Urban Myths Comic

Talks, workshops, film festivals and Video, Djs, rumba, exchanges, Truque, bazaars, more comics, comes the second edition!

Launched in October 2005 in the City was Mérida, developed activities such as exhibitions, workshops, lectures and Cycle Cycle Film and Video. The venue was the Museo de Arte Moderno Juan Astorga Anta age and gender responsiveness of movement around the comic and its characters as a starting point close to roam to other cities.
is currently in Caracas, CELARG Uslar Pietri's room, until 30 May ... joined the exhibition shows some work of illustrators Peruvians gradually engage with the characters and the comic project.

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Movement: creating comics culture in Venezuela

countercultural movements or Underground of 60 and 70 , turned the comic into a receiver-transmitter of his philosophy, humor and myth, and gave him the editorial power, communication, e xpresiva, subversive and experimental enjoys today. At present, the large number of authors who have dedicated themselves to the dissemination of gender, have developed a worldwide movement of transcendence that has come to influence us to our geographical areas.

In Venezuela, the incorporation of the cartoon or comic
within journalism began in the early twentieth century and developed as a genre and stable space from the 50's with the humorous magazine "The bald rooster" and characters like "Zamurito" by Carlos Cruz Diez, "Bicho blanks" Humberto Muñoz or "foo" Montilla, who, among others, contributed to form the basis of comic in our country. However, quality the comic has gone missing and has been plagued by deaths and incontinuidad editorial. "The Shipwreck" by Jorge Blanco and the magazine clip , are among the few examples that achieved independence in short serialized format and their trajectories and the comic generally show no growth, leaving it to foreign authors - if you find massive projection -expressions of this genre.

URBAN MYTHS, in this first edition, it raises the potential return of comic in our local context, around a theme and character of the city of Merida 70: Machera .

Myths, bordering between reality and fiction, between historical fact and imagined, provide Machera potential in a character, part of the recent collective memory of the city whose wealth lies not only in the character study, dual and contradictory, popular hero-antihero marginal, but in the study of environment and behavior of a city. Border between "reality", taken from various interviews, press releases and research carried out over several years, and the "fiction" or imaginary built around various realities of the character through the years has been enriched with thousands of stories, Machera, a bridge between historical fact and popular imagination marginal or street Merida has managed to survive to the present through the memory of a Robin Hood in life or a Malandro Holy and Anima Bendita after his death.

is a project that raises the potential return of the Comic as a genre figure of great strength and expressive communication, and is established as a pilot project that brings together illustrators, artists, writers and researchers emerging in terms of generating a product cultural, resulting from oral histories or living myths of urban societies. Speeches communities have made about certain characters that exist or existed at some point historical reconstruction of collective popular myth, the rescue of a collective memory different.

arises, an interdisciplinary work between art, sociology, anthropology, illustration and design, to develop, based the character or urban myth and gender the comic, a cultural product that ranges from research and work cam po, the design of the publication format fanzine , or magazine to the realization of exhibitions, lectures, workshops and courses whose purpose is to inter audiovisual artistic areas involved, different social actors and the general public towards reading, rescue oral histories and the promotion of new values \u200b\u200bacross genres emerging alternative media like the comic.

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Machera : Research and character studies

The first edition

Machera is the character of the first edit, sort of Robin Hood in life and miraculous death or holy thug after his death, lives in Merida and the 70's killed 21. Its implications as urban myth, gives a force that goes far beyond the historical feasibility and imprint supernatural features, even before his death, emerged from the popular stories and oral histories.

ground for all kinds of studies, and worship of all types, as well as stories and stories of all kinds, living myth, Comic MU is collecting some of these oral traditions of urban culture and brings in this first edition or not alternative spaces, with the idea of \u200b\u200bgenerating a latent movement emerging artists of the genre and an approach to these unofficial stories of our urban culture.

"was born in Merida, July 28, 1956, son of Luis Ramón recognized Rosa Maria Molina closed. N ° of their identity cards: V-9479535. He lived in the Barrio Santa Anita (Merida). He is survived by two younger brothers Philip and Trina (Philip died two years ago) and numerous half brothers. Was raised by his mother, and things in life, turned to crime. He died at age 21 on 1 October 1977. All I had was a brave and very skillful in handling firearms, hence the nickname "Machera." But to recognize these qualities we do not want to fall into the advocacy of crime.

say he was a kind of Robin Hood he stole from the rich to give to the poor. Raided pharmacies to offer medication to patients without resources and once attacked a truckload of chickens to distribute among the poor.

Those who invoke (students with problems in exams, boyfriends with difficulties of a partner ... especially) say Machera has heard. Is it suggestive? Is it true? I dare not say anything categorically. They say Machera first miracle was the peaceful gathering of policemen and thugs irreconcilable gang members at the wake and burial of Luis Enrique .... The testimony of his grave visited daily and covered with plaques of appreciation is there. " (Father J. Fernandez)